Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Updates on March 17th 2014

Updates —March 17th 2014
Mr. Shigeo Asano, who’s been helping us a lot, is moving to India for his job. Thank you so much for your thoughtful help and leadership, and we all wish you good luck. 
Purpose:To prevent the same tragedy happens. Through the history, try to deepen our understanding each other.

Contents:Her life with her parents who valued children and taught us to live their lives with
dignity no matter the circumstances. (You can find the content file in shared Drop Box: the file
name is ‘2013 Alice’s bio. pdf’. If you need the access please let Tomoko know)
Plan: June 24 2014 Leaving Salt Lake City
June 25 2014  Arriving Narita, stay in Tokyo
June 27 2014 (PM) Talk in Gakushuin Univ: contact Prof. Sakaguchi, Prof. Suguri
June 28 2014 Talk in Mito First High School, Mito, Ibaraki
June 30 2014  Talk at the commemoration ceremony at Suijo High School, Ibaraki
July 1st 2014  Short Talk in Ibaraki Christian University (noon): Contact Mr. Noguchi
July 3 2014 or July 4 2014 Talk in Seishin Academy (all day), Kashima, Ibaraki: 
Contact Mr. Juro Inaba
July 5 2014 Talk event with Tokyo Chidokai @ AP Tokyo-Yaesu Dori
Door open: 3pm Start the talk: 3:30pm ~ 5pm
July 8 2014 Visit Odawara City, Kanagawa : Contact Mrs. Keiko Sonobe Kamo
July 9 2014 Talk event (for public) in Odawara, 3pm~5:30pm
July 10 2014 Talk in Hiroshima Shudo University : Prof. Mikami and Prof. Ronald
Students (and public)  10:45 ~12:15
July 11 2014 Kyoto (under discussion with Prof. Higashimoto, Kyoto Women Univ.)
Students (and public)
July 15 2014 Alice (Setsuko) leaving Japan 
under discussion/consideration
Hitachi Engineering High School: July 2nd or 4th, contact Ms. Michiko Hori
Talk for public in Tokyo

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