Sunday, June 29, 2014

Mito First High School 水戸第一高等学校

June 27 2014
Today's talk was in Mito First High School, Ibaraki.

I have to mention that this tour for Alice has been planned because of this high school's Alumni Group, 'Chido-Kai'. I graduated here over 25 years ago, and in fact this was the very first contact with Chido-Kai. Even I had been inactive, they gave us every support and help they could, and without them I could not make this tour happen. I truly appreciate everybody's help! I am so proud of being an alumnus here!



Even the day we chose had a lot of conflict with School's event (and it was typical rainy day!!!), students, teachers and alumni came to join. Loved the energy and sincere interest from the audience!

After the talk event, we had Japanese type (but really casual) reception.


Mr. Nemoto, the owner of the finest Sake Company, kindly made a special Sake Bottle for Alice!!! What a surprise!! It has a logo of Chido-Kai, and name as 'For the memory of Alice Setsuko Hirai's talk'. Their sake awarded gold medal for three years in Sake Competition Japan. The one highly awarded is now used as special gift from Japanese Government to other countries.

Alice will have a day off today! I have a lot of prep for coming week.
We are looking forward to seeing you all in coming talk event.
Have a relaxed, fun weekend, everybody!


1 comment:

  1. Wow. It seems that everyone has been very nice and accommodating.
